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Sweeping and weeds brushing

We conduct sweeping and weedbrushing for both private, industrial areas, ports and public authorities.

What can we offer you?

  • Sweeping of roads
  • Sweeping of parking lots
  • Sweeping of paths and underground garages with a small sweep truck
  • Sweeping of premises
  • Removal of weed growth
  • Cleaning of surfaces with a high pressure cleaning device up to 250 bar
  • Sweeper trucks with front brush to sweep behind asphalt milling
  • Sweeper trucks with both a left- as and right sweeper
  • Sweeping of trenches
  • Yard exits
  • Preparation for lining of roads
  • Construction of a new road (high pressure for applying top coat)
  • Cleaning of warehouses (substrate) with high pressure and/ or plastic brushes
  • Removing of oil or other fluids with high pressure and detergent
Contact us for more information! We certainly can provide a solution to deal with the dust and dirt on your site! For more photos, see road maintenance tab.

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